Changes Students can Make to Save the Planet

Changes Students can Make to Save the Planet | FOR A PLACE TO LIVE

The situation on the planet earth is degrading every second, slowly making the earth an unlivable place. We are constantly being warned by the alarming temperature rise and sea-level rise. Students can make big differences in this world by their combined effort for a better living space. As calamitic climate change is most of the world’s concern in today’s world, students can portray a dramatic role here.

Changes students can and should make to save the world are discussed on the way forward. These changes carried forward in the future days would have a multitude of effects for the next generations.

Changes Students Can Make To Save the Planet:

Print Less

Printing papers, projects are one of the core requirements of maximum courses you enroll in. This wastes a lot of paper which has a severely harmful effect on the environment.

You should reduce the use of paper printing and try to offer the instructor online files and projects instead. Present the idea in class and bring down the printing work lowered to almost zero.

Print Less
Recycle & Reuse

Recycle & Reuse

There is a lot of waste that we actually throw away that is useful. You might never have thought of reusing and recycling.

Try reuse and recycling, get some hacks on that, and you can consider some recycling companies for this job as well.

Use Reusable Bag

Avoid plastic and polyethylene bags at any cost. It has very harmful effects on the earth. Plastic and polythene take around 200-500 years to totally decompose with the soil.

So basically the plastic and polybag you are using will be the reason for death to many animals and hazardous for nature. To get rid of this problem try taking a reusable bag every time you go shopping.

Use Reusable Bag
Use Reusable Water & Beverage Bottle

Use Reusable Water & Beverage Bottle

Plastic materials are the world’s worst pollutant and are abundant in number. To reduce the harmful impact of plastic you can buy a reusable water bottle and a coffee cup. Fill your bottle with water every time it empties and try out the cup whenever you are having coffee.

Some coffee shops offer coffees at a cheaper price when you take a reusable cup or container instead. This way you can save a few bucks from coffee and water and keep the world a better place.

Save the Notes

What do you do to the notes when you get promoted or move to next semester? Throw the notes apart right? Well, don’t do it from now on. You have spent a significant time of yours preparing the notes. Why should it go to waste?

Provide the notes to the juniors or share these with the faculty who can later share these with their students. Through this, you can reduce the need for the additional paper on note-taking.

Save the Notes
Save Water

Save Water

Use as little water as possible in the shower, handwashing, dishwashing, and other chores. We often forget how valuable water is in our life and feel completely unaware of reserving the water.

You must be very careful about the amount of water we are using.

Save Electricity

What do we think of electricity? A power source with an abundance of power supply. This is definitely not the case. The world is constantly fighting for newer sources of energy to produce electricity.

As the demand and usage of electricity are soaring high you must try to conserve electricity. Get a solar panel or other renewable energy sources for better saving electricity.

Save Electricity
Try less Private Cars

Try less Private Cars

When traveling try to drive your private car or motorbike. As the carbon emission is very high in vehicles. Instead walk, bike, or ride on public transports to save the world from additional pollution.


Try to spread awareness to your friends and community through your actions and words. Create groups and make it a practicing habit for a better footprint into this world.

Saving the world and making this planet a better living place is our combined responsibility. We all have to act on every single action to make this happen. Otherwise, we will be leaving a world behind which will be an unlivable place to our predecessors in years to come.


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