Completed Project

Completed Project

6327 Goforth

Original: 1 Story, 3 bed/ 2 bath house Update: Rehab – 1,623 sqft Time: June 2021...

4530 Kingsbury

Original: 1 Story, 3 bed/ 3 bath house Update: Rehab – 1,744 sqft, Build - 3 private unit Time: May 2021...

3420 Rosedale

Original: 2 Story, 4 bed/ 2 bath house Update: Rehab – 2,830 sqft, Build - 4 private unit Time: December 2020...

5307 Keystone

Original: 1 Story, 3 bed/ 2 bath house Update: Rehab – 1,351 sqft, Build – 4 bed/ 2 bath house Time: December 2020...

4910 Dickens

Original: 1 Story, 2 bed/ 1 bath house Update: Rehab – 1,522 sqft, Build - 2 private unit Time: Nov 2020...

4601 Keystone

Original: 1 Story, 3 bed/ 1 bath house Update: Rehab – 1,128 sqft, Build - 3 private unit Time: Aug 2020...

3307 Ennis

Original: 1 Story, 2 bed/ 1 bath house Update: Rehab – 1,003 sqft, Build - 2 private unit Time: Aug 2020...


Original: 2 Story, 3 bed/ 2 bath house; Update:Rehab – 1,892 sqft, Build - 4 private unit; Time: July 2020...

3831 Cosby

Original: 2 Story, 3 bed/2 Bath house Update: Rehab – 1,777 sqft, Build - 4 private unit Time: July 2020...

5224 KELSO

Original: 4 bed/ 1 bath house Update: Rehab - 1,458 sqft, Build - 4 private unit Time:April 2020...

3527 RUTH

Original: 2 bed/1 Bath house Update: Rehab - 1,000 sqft, Ground up new construction - 2,800 sqft, Build - 6 private unit Time: December 2019...


Original: 2 bed/1 Bath house Update: Rehab - 1,078 sqft, Build - 3 private unit Time: December 2019...

Total: 26

FOR A PLACE TO LIVE do business per the federal Fair Housing Laws. The law makes illegal any discrimination in the sale, lease, or rental of housing, or making housing otherwise unavailable, because of race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, or national origin.