Maybe as you are reading this article, it is possible that you are a fresher at university or a seasoned student heading towards final exams. it is common to experience anxiety at some point during your student life. The uncertainty and stresses of university life is enough to make even the most confident of us anxious at times.
How to overcome anxiety as a student? Here are some suggestions that will help:
As a social being, we naturally compare ourselves with others to see where we fit. But there’s really no point in comparing ourselves to others unless it’s going to motivate you. Stop thinking that you are not as good as others, instead keep reminding yourself that you are unique in your own way. Keep working to do the best for yourself.
If you’re an anxious person who drinks coffee, then maybe it's time you think again and stop drinking caffeine. Study shows, caffeine can increase your anxiety level! Experts say, high caffeine will worsen your anxiety situation.
You are not alone who is experiencing the same situation, but there are a lot of people out there who had experienced this same feelings when they were your age. So talk to them. They will pass a lot of valuable advice that will motivate you. If the anxiety is because of your lecture pressure, then talk to your tutors. They will advise you the best to get you back on track.
Many colleges run programs on how to relieve anxiety. Look for those resources to cope with stress and to smoothen the initial transition as a fresher. Available study support, academic advising, counselling will help you in your university life.
Its true that everyone know how important it is to maintain a healthy diet specially when you are a student at university. But the bitter truth is, as a student it is never their priority! Poor diet, lack of sleep just increase your anxiety level. A poor diet will lower your brain power.
According to many research, a bad diet can bring the symptoms of anxiety to a lot worse. So ditch all the junk foods like the pizza topped with cheese. Instead reach for the vegetables. When we eat healthy food we feel more confident. Healthy food helps to have more energy and we can think clearer, which will help banish those anxious thoughts.
It may seem easier said than done and all the above tips or suggestions may become difficult to continue time to time, but never stop! Be assured you’re not alone. Always remember, there’s a lot you can do to bring your best self to class.
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